Saturday, August 30, 2008

Dance Partay!

Nick, Alex and I were introduced to our first Taigu dance party at Ben and Beth’s place last night. It was super fun. We listened to dance party music from a decade ago (some of which I hadn’t heard in maybe 5 years) and many of us danced our hearts out. The Chinese students who came were mostly graduate student friends of Beth and Ben and Morgan and Mike from the previous years. There were also some undergraduate English majors from some of their classes. Most of them were much more shy, and many left soon after they came and introduced themselves, but some had no inhibitions about dancing and stayed for the entire party. They were all super friendly and excited to meet us new foreign teachers. Although it was clear that these students weren’t necessarily joining us to practice English. I wore my sparkly blue sequined party hat, which all the students told me in English was “cute.” That was a new one for that crazy hat.
The experience reminded me how much I enjoy dancing with Chinese college students. American college students have too much sexy dancing. Chinese College students get their crazy-fun on. It was fantastic. We jumped and flailed around to everything from Madonna to Michael Jackson to Britney Spears to some Chinese pop star I’ve never heard of. Absolutely lovely.

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